What to do on holiday in Gubbio? We suggest a small trip, just 45 minutes away.
Spello, his history and useful tips…
Spello is located between Assisi and Foligno. It lies across the southern slopes of Mt Subasio, on the Topino River fertile valley.
Spello was ruled by the Romans who gave impetus to the town’s most important historical period. That is the reason why we find numerous testimonies of the Roman Age such as the town walls and the still well preserved doors, the theatre and amphitheatre’s remains. The walls, erected in 1360, incorporate part of the Roman city walls and three splendid doors: Consular, Urbica and Venus.
The Church of St Maria Maggiore (XII – XIII century) is a significant monument with important art treasures. On the left side of its nave there is the wonderful Baglioni Chapel decorated with frescoes by Pinturicchio and paintings by Perugino. The Church of St Andrea stores another work of art by Pinturicchio, Madonna and The Saints.
You can’t miss Spello’s Town Hall that is the result of the extension work of elevation of the primitive town hall dated back to 1200. Here a visitor can see both splendid arcades and the Church of St Lorenzo. Not very far from the town there is the Church of St Claudio which is an example of Romanesque Architecture and the Renaissance-style Round Church with its octagonal dome.
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